Yesterday Joel, Bob (Joel’s dad), and I went to the lake again. The guys managed to drop the rudder with a bit of help from Schmitty (the guy who is basically groundskeeper of the marina). I was at work swabbing the galley (yet again… so much dust from Joel’s various sanding attempts). I also repainted…
The Cockpit Seats Are In!
Well, Joel and I completed one more big step yesterday by getting the cockpit seats put in. Joel did a great job of making these seats from scratch by making templates out of plywood, glassing over them, priming and then painting them with non-skid paint, and then attaching the teak trim (which he had refurbished)….
Final HD Highlight Reel – 2010 Charleston Anarchy presented by Layline a…
I just got back from racing at CRW in Charleston, S.C. HERE IS A COOL CLIP OF THE WEEKEND!
Hooray for our new hatch!
So, on our last trip to the boat, Joel and I managed not only to get the tarp off of the boat; we also managed to get the brand-new hatch installed! Plus, while he was fitting the hatch, I was scrubbing out the mess he made when he sanded the off the adhesive that was…
stop blowing holes in my ship!!! part 2…
well emily and i have been hard at work lately. the fiberglass seats are coming along nicely. They are covered and only need to be faired down and painted!! we also started working on the headliner. I am using mas flag epoxy to glue the headliner back up. I also ordered a depth/speed/temp system from…
Spring is here!
The weather is finally starting to break which means…1. slip fees are due2. The boat needs to be in the water ASAP3. I have about a month until charleston race week. To address number 2 I have indeed ripped all the below waterline thru hulls and valves out. you can look at the one picture…
“Stop Blowing Holes in My Ship!!”
Hey there everybody! It’s Emily, and while no one was blowing holes in our boat, Joel did manage to remove the through-hulls yesterday… so there are 6 holes in the bottom. The instruments were outdated and overall in pretty sad condition, so the holes are actually a good thing… or so Joel says. Also, I…
Day off number 1!
I am starting to like this 4 10 schedule. Today i was able to finish up the cockpit seats and take them up to the boat for a test run. they look pretty good and with a little sanding, fiberglass, paint, and varnish they should turn out pretty good. now if only the rest of…
weekend and my half weekend
well i just got done with my first “real” day at work and all is well. as a matter of fact things are going really well considering i am OFF TOMORROW! I love 4 10 shifts! I was able to get the cockpit seats started. i am hoping to take them up to the boat…
The wood work is starting to come along. The Nav station piece is cut and ready for staining once i cutout the instrument panel and storage holes. I have everything i need except for the VHF and A/C panel. I will hopefully have enough cash by this thursday to order both and finish this project…