Saturday, I met Joel and Bob back at Boulder Marina. The Pascagoula Run was no longer sitting in the cradle that has held her for the past ten years; she was up in the slings, and Bob was applying the last few coats of bottom paint to the keel. The sun was baking down on…
parts are in!!!!!!!
The parts have finally arrived from Marina Grobenbrode! we will be lifting friday to work on the bottom of the keel and launching on saturday!!!!we will be floating soon!!
Still waiting for parts…
It is joel this time with a boatload of pictures from my “camera” aka cell phone. the boat is officially watertight. All the thruhulls are mounted, the hull is shiny, the transducer thru hull is in, the engine runs good, the prop is on, and i even have the frame rails for the nav station…
Spit N Shine :)
Yesterday, the boat got two coats of penetrol. She also got about 5 years worth of grime scrubbed off of the deck (the poor thing was neglected for 10 years). We also cleaned and flushed out the anchor locker. Below are some pics of the boat; the first is a before-the-penetrol shot, the latter two…
Isn’t she a beaut?!
The bottom paint is finally on! All that’s left before we can put her in the water is to paint the small patches that were under the cradle pads, put in the new thru hulls, sand and paint the very bottom of the keel, and apply a thorough amount of poly-glow. But she’s looking pretty…
“Why, that’s a [boat] of a different color!”
Well, we did something yesterday none of us thought we would be able to accomplish: we put on all 6 coats of barrier paint! She now has four layers of gray, and two layers of white; then, on Saturday, Joel and I will put on two layers of black bottom paint. The Pascagoula Run will…
Final layers of epoxy and glass; we’re ready to paint!
Well, Joel spent another weekend at the boat while I was finishing my last two papers and finals for summer semester. Now, I’m done with school for 2 months, and Joel finished applying a coat of resin to the hull, glassing the rudder, and faring the keel. Wednesday, we’re both off of work, and the…
Another weekend come and gone…
Here are some pics from this weekend. Enjoy!
A little bit of paint goes a long way
Well, today Joel and I were back at it again. It’s amazing how many people there are at the marina when it’s nearly 90 degrees outside instead of 20… lol. Amongst all of the Memorial Weekend bustle, Joel worked on sanding the hull, and re-attaching the dome that covers the sliding hatch. Meanwhile, I was…
a few photos of progress
The boat has been coming along slowly but surely. we are still in the process of fixing some small blisters and fairing the keel and rudder. We had one heck of a time trying to drop the rudder down. fortunately with a bit of help(thanks schmitty!) i was able to drop it down. i will…